Screening Response for “Lisa the Vegetarian”


To me, The Simpsons is one of the best satirical shows ever. I feel that through this episode, they did a great job in expressing multiple themes. Not only did they satirize how vegetarian is viewed or how people choose to rebel, but they also satirized adults and how they sometimes want children to keep from thinking independently. I thought it was so funny when Principal Skinner said, “Uh oh. The students are over-stimulated. Willie, take away all the colored-chalk from the classrooms.” The “Independent thought button” was a funny way of expressing this theme. Personally, I love watching this show because of the satire behind it and the smart humor. I also really enjoyed Lisa’s progression through the episode and the way Apu played an important role. It was necessary for Lisa to realize her rebellion was ineffective. The ending was nice in the sense that the rebellion became peaceful. There was real nice closure and I appreciated Paul and Linda McCarthy’s appearance.

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